Choose the right coverage for your condo

Protect your condo with the right insurance coverage. Learn how to choose the best policy for your needs and budget. Get expert advice and compare quotes online today.

Condo living offers a unique blend of convenience, community, and low-maintenance living. However, just like any other homeowner, it's essential to protect your investment and belongings with the right insurance coverage. Condo insurance is specifically designed to address the unique risks and coverage needs of condo owners. 

Liberty Mutual: Customized and Affordable Condo Insurance

Liberty Mutual offers affordable and customized condo insurance tailored to your specific needs. Think of it as homeowners insurance for a condo. By installing protective devices in your home, you can save money on your premium. Furthermore, you can enjoy the convenience and savings of bundling your auto and condo policies for a discount.

The Safe Homeowner Program rewards claim-free condo owners with premium savings if your condo remains claim-free for three years. Condo insurance from Liberty Mutual covers your belongings, property damage, damage to someone else's property, personal liability for medical bills and legal expenses, and living expenses incurred if you temporarily vacate your condo due to a covered loss. The coverage even extends to your personal property no matter where you are – protecting your items if they are stolen from your car, damaged on vacation, or lost while on the go. If you are moving, your policy will protect your belongings for 30 days from the day you start the move, including items stored in a storage facility. Condo insurance from Liberty Mutual could cost as low as $47 per month.

State Farm: Comprehensive Condo Coverage

State Farm offers Condominium Unitowners insurance that helps protect your condo from fire, theft, and other covered causes of loss. By bundling your home and car insurance policy with State Farm, you can save money. While your condo association will likely insure the building structure and common areas, State Farm condominium unitowners insurance covers weather damage, non-weather damage, and other causes of loss.

However, the policy does not cover natural and other causes, work-related incidents, or vehicles. To find out the cost of State Farm condo insurance, you'll need to contact them directly for a quote.

Geico: Extra Protection for Your Condo

Geico understands that owning a condominium is an important responsibility and offers condo insurance to provide extra protection for your family. Your condo association's master policy covers the exterior structure, but not the interior of your unit. Geico's condo insurance policy covers personal property, unit coverage, and personal liability for certain accidents, such as a neighbor slipping on a wet kitchen floor or water damage in your unit. To determine the cost of Geico condo insurance, you'll need to contact them directly for a quote.

Progressive: Customized Condo Coverage

While your condo association will carry a master insurance policy to cover the grounds, common areas, and the exterior of your condo, Progressive offers coverage for your belongings and the interior of your condo unit. Their licensed representatives are available to guide you through coverage options to customize your protection. Standard coverages include personal property, loss of use, and liability. To find out the cost of Progressive condo insurance, you'll need to contact them directly for a quote.

Lemonade: Condo Insurance Made Easy

Lemonade offers a fast, easy, and digital condo insurance experience with 100% digital applications and instant automated claims processing. Their coverage includes dwelling, personal property, personal liability, loss of use, and medical payments to others. Lemonade works with all major banks and lenders to make the insurance process seamless, and you can update your coverage via the Lemonade app.

Lemonade takes a flat fee from premiums, pays reinsurance, and uses the remaining funds to pay claims. Condo insurance, also known as H06 coverage, protects you, your belongings, your unit, and everything not covered by your Homeowners Association (HOA). The cost of Lemonade condo insurance varies depending on your specific needs.

Condo insurance is essential for protecting your investment, belongings, and providing peace of mind. With various brands offering tailored coverage, you can find the right policy to suit your needs. Whether you prioritize affordability, comprehensive coverage, or digital convenience, there is an option available for every condo owner. Take the time to research and compare your options to ensure you are adequately protected and enjoy the many benefits condo living has to offer.